Photo & Video Holiday Album

The Holiday Alaska
Photo & Video Album Blog

Join in the joy and excitement of the holiday season. Share your favorite photos & videos of holiday cheer!


Step 1: Fill out the form located below titled “Leave a Reply”.
Step 2: Select (Choose File) button “Attach your photo or video”.
Step 3: Leave a Comment “Holiday Phrase”.
Step 4: Leave a Name & Email address (required)
Step 5: Select the (Post Comment) button.
Note: Your name and holiday comment will be posted with your photo.

Our team will review the attached image. If the image is approved it will be posted in our Holiday Alaska Photos & Video Album Blog. (Usually within 24 hrs.)

36 Replies to “Photo & Video Holiday Album”

  1. Holiday Cheer!

    A photo of the Gingerbread Village display located in the lobby of the hotel Captain Cook Anchorage, AK.

  2. Holiday Cheer!

    A beautiful gingerbread house creation in the Novotel Hotel lobby located in Bangkok, Thailand Suvarnabhumi Airport. ✨??✨

  3. Holiday Cheer!

    Merry Holidays, Alaska! Experience the joy of the season all year.

    Thanks, Chef, for all the Christmases you added to Alaska’s Holiday Season!

  4. Holiday Cheer!

    What a wonderful entry to our 2021 Captain Cook Christmas’s Gingerbread House Challenge. Thank you for participating and sharing your design with us. @captaincookchristmas #thegingerbreadhousechallenge #captaincookchristmas #captaincookchristmaschallenge
    Happy Holidays. ????

  5. Holiday Cheer!

    Too cute not to share! Another wonderful entry from our 2020 Captain Cook Christmas’s Gingerbread House Challenge. Thank you for participating and sharing your design with us. @marryweather.studios #marryweather.studios
    Happy Holidays. ?

  6. Holiday Cheer!

    Another great entry from our 2020 Captain Cook Christmas’s Gingerbread House Challenge. Not only did they build 1 but 2 beautiful gingerbread houses. Thank you very much for participating and sharing your designs with us. @raevynart #raevynart
    Happy Holidays. ???

  7. Holiday Cheer!

    Thank you for sending in your gingerbread houses and holiday cheer in our first ever Captain Cook Christmas Gingerbread Challenge. This is one of the entries. Thank you very much for sharing Sarah McCrea Smith @SarahMcCreaSmith. What a spectacular build, and it’s all from scratch! Great work!
    Happy Holidays. ?????

  8. Holiday Cheer!

    Join Captain Cook Christmas Gingerbread Village in our first gingerbread house challenge.
join us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hash tag #thegingerbreadhousechallenge #captaincookchristmas #captaincookchristmaschallenge and show us your gingerbread house builds of 2020 and earlier, or gingerbread houses you’ve visited. They can be any shape or size, and any materials are allowed.
    Happy Holidays and let the building, creating and fun begin.

  9. Holiday Cheer!

    Posting a photo saved from the live overhead camera. The gingerbread village is look awesome! Happy Holidays!

  10. Holiday Cheer!

    We loved the gingerbread village.
    All the different figurines and landscapes were amazing. Which inspired us to created a gingerbread house of our very own. ⛄️❄️

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